Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I love my Fridays!

My kids amaze me every day! Fridays seem to be my favorite days of the week lately. No school, no Bible study, no help, just me and my three favorite little buddies. It would seem that would be opposite, and yes, there are Fridays that I wish I had help, but really, for the most part, they are the best days. Somehow they know we don't have to go anywhere, so they sleep in (til 8 maybe-I'm not talking 9 or anything) and then it's just a slow, laid back morning where, at times we don't even take our PJs off.
Maggie is still not feeling well, so luckily Marley took a champ of a nap this morning. Miles decided to play cars for an hour or so and talk to the "big cars" that drove by the house. He loves to play by himself. There are times I go in to try and play with him and he busts out with his favorite new sentence these days, "No mommy." He loves to do things by himself- at times good, other times, not so good. It was awesome to just have some me and the Magsters time. She smiled, cooed, giggled, and just snuggled with me. I was able to sit quietly and pray over her and thank the Lord for the amazing gift of my two girls. It gave me a great opportunity to just have time with her. After she fell asleep, Miles and I played cars for a little bit longer and then he took on my helper role and helped me fold laundry. Who knew someone could have so much fun with laundry, but he sure does enjoy it. I am sure it's more the fact that it's just time for the two of us to hang out, but he sure is a trooper in helping me. At one point, I just sat back watching him and was in aww. Where did my little buddy go? He is growing up so quickly and I need to take moments like the ones today and realize that soon he will be at school all five days and we won't have opportunities for all day PJ days. Once I got Miles down for a nap, Maggie was still dozing, which gave me some quality time with Marley. She is truly a different child than she was a month ago. She has really mellowed out and just loves to lay on her tummy time mat, laughing at me and looking at herself in the mirror. She is a super happy little baby that loves to be held, but it's not a must anymore, which makes the times we are holding her, even more enjoyable. She has that great smile that looks like she is laughing when she is smiling. It goes from ear to ear with her mouth open and her eyes sparkle that sparkle that makes you know that she could not be any happier. It melts my heart!
I had about a 15 minute window today where all three of them were asleep, and believe it or not, I wanted one of them to wake up so I could have quality time with another one of them. I know, crazy that I would say that out loud because usually I am racing around to get laundry finished or a shower taken or just to take a deep breath, but for some reason today, I was reminded that each moment with my children individually is precious. I look at my life and remember the Lord has blessed me in so many ways, especially with three beautiful children, that at times, require a lot, but gosh, SO WORTH every minute of it. I could not be more blessed!!!! Lord, thank you for a wonderful day of reflection and some quiet time with each of my children today. It was a perfect day!


  1. Loved this post..made me realize what a blessing my boys are!! :)

  2. sounds like a beautiful day, thanks for sharing it with us. Jessica
